Saturday, 10 November 2012

Darwin and mateship

Today something extraordinary happened. I spent the day walking around in Darwin, basically doing nothing - it's extremely hot and humid. When I was near Mindil Beach I decided to walk back home, still a long walk. I wanted to use a shortcut but the problem was that I kept taking "no through" roads and the shitty map I had from the tourist office wasn't of much help (I'm not staying in the centre and Darwin in very spread out). Then I saw this guy working on his house and just went to him and asked him the way. Answer: "Get in the car, I'll drive you there". HELLO??!!! So without knowing me from anywhere, this guy stopped what he was doing and drove me home.
Now, how many times does this happen in Europe??!... He would have probably locked himself at home as soon as I would have approached him!

1 comment:

  1. and if you were in USA you would be shoot :P me alegro de que te lo estés pasando tan bien. MUAS (Almudena)
