Monday, 27 April 2015

Monday, 20 April 2015

Finnish post

Today I got a postcard from Finland with this stamp:

Finnish post states on its website that the Tom of Finland series is... sold out.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

On not letting go

We're all fed up with the usual you-must-forgive-if-only-for-your-own-sake-to-be-able-to-move-on talk, so it was refreshing to read Laura Kipnis' article on the Feb/March edition of Bookforum, Resentments of Things Past. She asks the pertinent question of WHY on Earth we should let go. Yeah, why should we?:
What's the use of getting over things? Wrongs have been perpetrated: assaults on your dignity, your self-image, your fragile well-being. And they've gotten away with it - they're reveling (no doubt prospering), smug in their galling impunity, probably laughing at you right now. Bullies, critics, snobs, the so-called friend who slept with your one true love in college and has now tried to friend you on Facebook as though it never happened. Shitty parents, lecherous mentors, crappy former spouses: It's a world of assholes out there. Fuck them all.
You said it all, Laura.