Sometimes you come across something (an object, a smell, a word, a landscape,...) which gives you an instant flashback and brings you distant (or not so distant) memories. In French there is an expression for this: a madeleine de Proust, taken from the life of the writer, when he was soaking some cake (madeleine is a sort of cake) in tea and was suddenly overcome by several episodes from his childhood.
I had a madeleine de Proust the other day when I was browsing some pictures I took not that many years ago and found this particular one with a cat lying on books and feeding its kittens. As soon as I saw the picture I clearly remembered the neighbourhood in Istanbul, the café where I had eaten just before and a person who asked me on the street if I was Iranian...
And I remembered how I just stayed there, staring at two of the best things in life: cats and books.